Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Green Coffee Bean Extract Diet Tips

Question: What will happen if I take 4 or 5 green coffee bean extract pills a day? Will they make me lose more weight or have any dangers or not work? " - by " shuttttup
Answer: Please speak to your pharmacist or doctor about this. Even if you received advice, do you know if it is to be trusted?
Answer By: Determined
Green Coffee Bean Extract

Question: I wanna look into maybe getting diet pills and stumbled upon green coffee extract pills and those seem more effective and safer. Any opinions? " - by " Sara
Answer: Yes but do not expect and miracles. It is good for detox, but you have to combine it with a fruit detox diet to see results. Have a look here, for example -
Answer By: Rosenifda
Where To Buy Green Coffee Bean Extract

Question: green coffee bean extract. I have been looking for something to help curb my cravings for food, to help me supress my appetite a little, so i can lose weight easier with my dieting. i bought this Green Coffee Bean extract today. i heard its suppose to be good. any one have any experiences with it. any one try it? did it help curb your hunger or lose weight. ? thanks I understand diet pills don't really work. i'm willing to put in the work, the diet and exercise, i'm just looking for something to help me curb my appetite to make counting my calories easier, and to reduce my binging. " - by " Mom to Bella and Cade
Answer: i like green coffee bean extracts.. either way they are not miracle workers.. but they are good for you an do have benefits with exercise they are effective an also green tea helps you
Answer By: tennislover

Question: I am already thin/average weight but my legs are my chunkiest part. I want stick thin legs like Victoria justice. What can I do because I already eat very well and do 1 hours of exercise daily and take green coffee beam extract. Is there an exercise or something that will give me STICK thin legs? (Particularly inner thighs and calves) " - by " Paula
Answer: Paula you can try to loose the fat if you have any but muscles will only grow bigger with exercise. Try seeing a gym trainer, good luck
Answer By: HK3738

Question: I tried one green bean product called Gold SVETOL(R) Green Coffee Bean Extract. The pill gave me energy yet I gain 6 pounds. Afterwards, I tried 72 pills of Hydroxycut. The pills made me drowsy and sleepy; it didn't help me lose weight. I'm asking this question because I want to lose weight before I go to Anime Expo 2013. Also the weight I currently have is affecting my balance. Dr. Oz said that green bean pills are effective in losing weight. The thing is that he never mentioned what was the name of the green bean product. " - by " R00NEY
Answer: GCBE contains chlorogenic acid that reduces excess glucose that turns into fat deposits. Quality is key. You must have 800mg per serving and at least 50% chlorogenic acid. GCBE that contains the Svetol brand of chlorogenic acid is the most effective by far. It's more expensive but worth it because it's the right type of coffee bean - the Robusta plant. Janet & I own a Vitamins & Supplements store and we've seen hundreds of success stories within our clientele using Garcinia Cambogia. It is safe as it is a natural supplement. Terrie
Answer By: Terrie & Janet